Employment, Looking for work, On the job

Job Smart: Tips for Staying Employed

By May 20, 2021June 28th, 2022No Comments

This step-by-step guide to keeping your job features information about what employers are looking for in their employees, self-assessment exercises, tips on problem solving, and solutions for some common workplace challenges. It uses stories and exercises to cover important topics such as: building good work skills and attitudes, workplace responsibilities, and making sure a job is a good fit. It also provides a list of helpful community resources, advice, and information about workplace rights. This resource is written in plain language.

This resource was created for an Alberta audience, but the information is applicable to people across Canada. This resource is part of the Easy Reading group of resources produced by ALIS. It is appropriate for adult literacy learners and beyond.

Resource Links

Job Smart: Tips for Staying Employed (PDF)

ALIS, Government of Alberta