Employment, Looking for work, On the job


By May 20, 2021June 28th, 2022No Comments

This handbook provides practical information about key skills and attitudes for job seekers. It includes activities to self-assess current skills and develop the skills and attitudes needed for success in the workplace.

An online version of this publication has been created to make the information more accessible. Get and Keep the Work You Want contains tips for finding and keeping a job, strategies for maintaining a positive attitude, and activities to practice using a positive mindset when searching for jobs. There are also suggestions for related resources, publications, and tools throughout the page.

This resource was created for an Alberta audience, but the information is applicable to people across Canada. This resource is part of the Easy Reading group of resources produced by ALIS. It is appropriate for adult literacy learners and beyond.

Resource Links

Workability: What You Need to Get and Keep a Job (PDF)

Get and Keep the Work You Want

ALIS, Government of Alberta